Success Stories

Invaluable Insight

“In the demanding realm of corporate leadership, I faced challenges beyond the technicalities of my role, grappling with self-doubt and team disconnect. Dr. Sydney Ceruto’s MindLAB Neuroscience program was a game-changer. 

Her expertise illuminated my leadership style, teaching me to harness emotions and connect authentically with my team. Dr. Ceruto’s guidance in confidently addressing and rectifying missteps was transformative, enhancing my confidence and reducing stress. Today, I lead with clarity and authenticity, fostering a bond of trust with my team, and our company flourishes as a result. Dr. Ceruto’s program is a must for leaders aiming to elevate their emotional intelligence and leadership capabilities.”

Michael A.
Co-Founder of Axios
Arlington, VA

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Win Win Outcome

“I was an accomplished executive, yet I felt an invisible barrier preventing me from reaching my full potential. While my expertise was acknowledged, I struggled with asserting my executive presence, often feeling overshadowed in board meetings. As I eyed a senior level role at a new company, I knew I needed to elevate my leadership and negotiation skills. Dr. Ceruto’s approach was transformative. Through her neuroscience-backed methods, I not only honed my negotiation skills to achieve win-win outcomes but also transitioned from being seen as just a domain expert to a visionary leader. 

Her sessions built in me an unshakeable mental resilience, allowing me to navigate challenges with grace and confidence. Moreover, Dr. Ceruto’s strategies helped me foster genuine likability, building strong rapport with stakeholders, and garnering the respect I had long sought. Today, as a CEO, I lead with renewed vigor, respect, and effectiveness. All credit goes to Dr. Ceruto and the unparalleled expertise at MindLAB Neuroscience.”

Victoria W.
President of Training & Enablement at WeWork
New York, NY

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Exceptional Self- Awareness

Dov Charney
CEO at Los Angeles Apparel
Southern California

“As a seasoned professional in the fashion industry, I’ve come to realize that emotional intelligence is a critical component of success, both in business and in life. When I found myself struggling to navigate the complexities of interpersonal dynamics and leadership challenges, I turned to Dr. Sydney Ceruto’s Emotional Intelligence Coaching Program at MindLAB Neuroscience.

From the very first session, I was impressed by Dr. Ceruto’s expertise and her ability to create a safe and supportive environment for self-exploration. The comprehensive emotional intelligence assessment provided me with invaluable insights into my strengths and areas for growth, allowing us to tailor the program to my specific needs.

Through neuroscience-based techniques and practical exercises, I developed a deeper understanding of my own emotions and how they influenced my behavior and decision-making. This newfound self-awareness empowered me to manage my emotions more effectively, leading to improved communication, conflict resolution, and overall leadership skills.

One of the most valuable aspects of the program was learning how to effectively deal with stress and anxiety. In the fast-paced and demanding fashion industry, these emotions can often become overwhelming. Dr. Ceruto’s guidance helped me develop strategies for recognizing and managing stress and anxiety, enabling me to maintain a clear and focused mindset even in the most challenging situations.

The impact of Dr. Ceruto’s Emotional Intelligence Coaching Program has been profound, both professionally and personally. I’ve witnessed a significant improvement in my ability to build and maintain strong relationships, navigate challenging situations with grace, and inspire those around me. The skills and insights I gained have been instrumental in my success at Los Angeles Apparel and have enriched my life in countless ways.

I cannot recommend Dr. Ceruto’s program highly enough. It is a transformative journey that unlocks the power of emotional intelligence, enabling individuals to reach their full potential and achieve remarkable success in all aspects of their lives.”

LA Apparel

Game Changer

“As a start-up founder, I was struggling to bring together a team that would work cohesively together. At a young age, I recognized the need to develop better people skills and also learn about who I wanted to be as an entrepreneur. I was struggling had reached a state of utter frustration and was about to call it quits. Next day a friend of mine called and while I was venting, he mentioned his awesome experience with Sydney. I reached out to her immediately, desperately seeking out her expertise.

Dr. Ceruto’s Emotional Intelligence Coaching Program was a game-changer for me. Through personalized assessments and neuroscience-based techniques, I gained a profound understanding of my emotions and how they influenced my decision-making, leadership abilities, and relationships.

One of the most significant benefits of working with Dr. Ceruto was the development of self-awareness. I learned to recognize and manage my emotions effectively, which allowed me to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship with greater clarity and resilience. This self-awareness also enabled me to connect with my team on a deeper level, fostering a culture of empathy and collaboration.
Moreover, the program’s emphasis on empathy and social skills proved invaluable in building strong relationships with investors, partners, and customers. By understanding and responding to their emotions and needs, I was able to create a sense of trust and loyalty that has been instrumental in Liquid IV’s success.

I cannot overstate the impact of Dr. Ceruto’s EI Coaching Program on my personal and professional growth. The skills and insights I gained have been a driving force behind my ability to lead Liquid IV to remarkable achievements at such a young age. I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone seeking to unlock their full potential and achieve extraordinary success.”

Brandin Cohen
CEO at Liquid IV
Los Angeles, CA

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A New Chapter with Dr. Ceruto's Mentorship

“As an educator with over a decade of experience, I felt stagnant. The passion was there, but the growth seemed elusive. I needed direction, a fresh perspective. Enter Dr. Ceruto.  Her career guidance was a breath of fresh air. She helped me identify areas of growth, introduced me to networking opportunities, and reignited my passion for teaching. With her mentorship, I transitioned to a leadership role, shaping curriculum and influencing the next generation of learners.  Dr. Ceruto didn’t just offer guidance; she offered a vision. Today, I’m not just an educator; I’m a changemaker, all thanks to her”.

Maria Droganova
AP Curry College
Boston, MA

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A Journey of Healing and Renewed Intimacy

“One of the most remarkable things about Dr. Ceruto is her ability to foster intimacy. Through various exercises and sessions, she helped us reconnect on a deeper level, both emotionally and physically. We rediscovered the love and passion that first brought us together, and with her guidance, we learned to channel our pain into growth. 

Today, we stand stronger than ever as a couple. The scars of the past are still there, but they serve as a reminder of our journey and the resilience of our love. We owe a great deal of our healing and renewed intimacy to Dr. Ceruto. Her expertise, compassion, and dedication have given us a second chance at love, and for that, we are eternally grateful. Thank you, Dr. Ceruto, for helping us find our way back to each other.”


Jake & Emily D.
Bedford, NY

A Journey to Profound Leadership

“Before Dr. Sydney Ceruto, I was an overwhelmed Managing Director struggling with the intricacies of my leadership role. My vision was clear, but situational leadership eluded me, and my executive presence lacked charisma. Blind spots hindered my growth, and crucial conversations became daunting tasks. Work-life balance seemed unattainable.

Enter Dr. Ceruto. Her insights swiftly honed my self-awareness, transforming weaknesses into strengths. She equipped me with the tools to lead confidently in any situation. Under her guidance, I cultivated a magnetic executive presence and mastered high-stakes conversations. Most importantly, she emphasized the legacy of impactful leadership. Today, thanks to Dr. Ceruto, I am a venerated leader with purpose and balance.”

Matteo Roussis
Director of Investment Banking at Morgan Stanley
London, UK

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Unparalleled Growth with Dr. Ceruto's Executive Development Program

“I am a driven professional with ambition, but certain areas needed refinement. I had heard of the transformative power of neuroscience in leadership, and that’s when I stumbled upon the Executive Development Program. Under Dr. Ceruto’s expert guidance, I experienced growth in ways I hadn’t imagined. 

Her program meticulously addressed every challenge, helping me excel in crucial areas. The neuroscience-backed techniques instilled in me a newfound confidence, vision, and resilience. But what truly sets Dr. Ceruto’s program apart is its universal applicability. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or just starting your leadership journey, the insights and growth you’ll achieve are unparalleled. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Ceruto’s Executive Development Program to anyone looking to elevate their professional journey. It’s an investment that pays exponential dividends.”


Jon Southall
VP of Engineering, Braintree
San Francisco, CA

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A New Life

“Let’s start with the fact I’ve seen a handful of “therapists” since my early twenties- to no avail. My husband and I tried marriage counseling and everything under the moon to “fix” what was unfixable. I called MindLAB Neuroscience as a depressed 30-year-old with a suppressed self-esteem because of my overly religious husband. 

I was desperate and lost and needed guidance. Dr. Ceruto worked with me although I had already decided to divorce. She gave me the permission I so desperately needed to find myself and go out and focus on myself, it was liberating! I regained my confidence and found the woman I used to be.”

Hanna Guttenberg
Riverdale, New York, NY

Emotional Intelligence 2.0

“Leading a top-tier company, I faced challenges connecting with my team and doubted my decisions. I realized my technical skills outpaced my emotional intelligence. Dr. Sydney Ceruto’s MindLAB Neuroscience program was a game-changer. Through her insights, I learned to harness emotions, connect authentically, and confidently rectify missteps. The transformation in my leadership style has been profound, fostering trust and mutual respect within my team. Dr. Ceruto’s expertise is invaluable for any leader aiming for genuine growth and connection.”

Kurt Preston
Chief Operations Executive at Sonos
Houston, TX

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Performance Review

“At a pivotal moment in my career as a mid-level manager at a top consulting agency, a poor performance review threatened my position. Enter Dr. Ceruto, whose expert career guidance became my lifeline. She equipped me with transformative tools to combat procrastination, streamline mental organization, and master task prioritization. The game-changer? Direct text access to Dr. Ceruto, ensuring real-time advice during critical moments. Today, thanks to her unparalleled support, I’ve not only retained my role but have also emerged as a commendable performer in my domain.”

Janine Ogboyanna
Sports Marketing + Partnerships
Eatontown, NJ


Unwavering Confidence

“In the competitive world of finance, I was a rising star. But a series of personal setbacks left me doubting my capabilities. I felt lost, unsure of my decisions, and constantly second-guessed myself. That’s when a colleague recommended Dr. Ceruto.  Sydney’s career guidance was a beacon of hope. She helped me rediscover my strengths, realign my goals, and build a roadmap to success. 

Her sessions were a blend of introspection and actionable strategies, which kept me super engaged.  With her guidance, I regained my confidence, secured a promotion, and I now lead my own team.  Dr. Ceruto’s impact on my career is immeasurable.”

Tash Maxwell
Brand Marketing and Content for Wellness at Viome
New York, NY


Personal Power

“I have done much personal development in my 33 years, but working with MindLAB Neuroscience and, of course, Dr. Sydney Ceruto has been the most powerful program I have yet to discover. Absolute genius! Love the way Dr. Ceruto methodically chipped away all the emotional baggage and biases I had toward myself and others.  I absolutely loved the easy access to her and her quick responses back.  I truly feel lucky to have found MindLAB, very grateful and am excited about my future, something I have not really felt in 3 years……. much love to you and your team!”

Danielle Gold
Senior Marketing Manager at Circle
New York, NY

Circle Finance

From Darkness to Light

“I wanted to take a moment to share my gratitude. There are some moments that I find so hard to get through, and I can somehow now easily manage from working with you Sydney.  Your astute guidance, firm steering, and unwavering support and non-judgment of anything I did or said, impacted my life in ways I cannot believe. 

From the bottom of my heart, I am so deeply thankful for all that we have achieved. I tried to think every session that there can’t possibly be more to uncover, and then you point out something I missed, and it shines light on something new… and like you taught me, light always makes way for growth!”

Benjamin P
Business Oversight Compliance at Dribbble
New York, NY

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Triumphing Over Anxiety and Depression

“Before I met Dr. Sydney Ceruto, my life felt like a constant battle with anxiety and depression. Her unique Brain-Based Coaching and Counseling approach helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel. She guided me in recognizing the root causes of my struggles and taught me how to reframe my thoughts and adopt healthier coping strategies. Now, I’m not only happier, but I also feel more in control of my emotions than ever. I truly couldn’t have done it without her!”

Emily Maxey
SVP Global Marketing
Adidas – Portland, OR

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Rescuing My Marriage

“My partner and I were on the verge of calling it quits, but Dr. Ceruto’s warm and understanding approach helped us turn the tide. Our marriage was riddled with toxicity and a lot of contempt and resentment. She showed us the importance of effective communication and taught us how to express our needs and emotions in a way that brought us closer together, not further apart. Our relationship has never been better, and we owe our newfound happiness to Dr. Ceruto’s invaluable guidance. How great it is not to be at each other’s throat!”

Ira and Debra Weiss
Manhattan, NY

Reclaiming My Life After Trauma

“After a traumatic experience left me feeling shattered, Dr. Ceruto’s innovative, science-backed approach helped me pick up the pieces. She walked with me every step of the way as I processed my emotions and came to understand how the trauma had shaped my thoughts and behaviors. With her unwavering support and expertise, I found the strength to heal and rebuild my life. Now, I feel empowered and ready to face the world with newfound courage.”

Sarah J. Thompson
VP of Marketing at Cisco
Manhattan, NY

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Finding My Strengths

“I was at a point in my career where I felt like I had hit a ceiling. I was a good manager, but I didn’t know how to take my career to the next level. That’s when I decided to work with Sydney. She helped me to identify my strengths and weaknesses as a leader and taught me how to communicate my vision to senior management. She also helped me to delegate tasks more effectively and manage my time better. Thanks to Sydney’s amazing ability to help create positive change and growth, I was able to take on more responsibility at work and I eventually got promoted to a higher executive position. I couldn’t have done it without her!”

Chaim Schwartz
Senior IT Advisor, KickStarter
Brooklyn, NY

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Building Self-Worth and Achieving Goals

“I used to be held back by self-doubt and low self-esteem, always feeling unworthy of chasing my dreams. Dr. Ceruto’s empathetic and intuitive coaching helped me see my own worth and potential. She encouraged me to embrace my uniqueness and nurture my self-confidence. Today, I believe in myself more than ever and am finally living the life I’ve always desired.”

Erik Kox
Chief Revenue Officer at Vimeo
Manhattan, NY

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Finding Direction: Pivotal Career Choices

“I found myself at a career crossroads, unsure of which direction to take. Dr. Ceruto’s Brain-Based Coaching helped me gain clarity and insight into my strengths, passions, and goals. Her guidance made all the difference, and I made a confident choice that ultimately led me to my dream job! I’m made a confident choice that ultimately led me to my dream job! I’m incredibly grateful for her support and encouragement during that pivotal time in my life.”

Bob Hoyt
Chief Technology Officer at HSBC
London, UK

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Building Strong Relationships

“I have worked with Dr. Ceruto at two different points in my career. Sydney created an integrative approach based on solid science to point out the behaviors and thought distortions which had been holding me back. She guided me through the transformation with passion and empathy. Dr. Ceruto showed me how to communicate more effectively and how to really listen to what people were saying. 

Thanks to Dr. Ceruto, I feel like I’m able to build stronger relationships with my colleagues, and I am a better leader and a better person because of our work. This was by far the most valuable investment in my professional development post college.”


Leeza Furman
Director at Citi
New York, NY

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Rekindling Love: From Strangers to Soulmates

“After 14 years of marriage, we felt more like strangers than partners. Arguments replaced understanding, and despair overshadowed our love. Just when we considered giving up, a friend introduced us to Dr. Sydney Ceruto’s Couples Program. Dr. Ceruto’s insightful approach helped us navigate our challenges, equipping us with tools to communicate and reconnect. 

Today, we’re not just spouses but best friends, deeply in love and understanding. Dr. Ceruto’s program was a turning point for us, and we wholeheartedly recommend her to any couple seeking to rekindle their bond and stop the chaos and fighting.”

Michael & Dina Corso
Greenwich, CT

Discovering Authenticity

“I’m a successful business woman, but when it came to dating, I just couldn’t seem to get it right. A longtime friend of mine had just completed her package at MindLab and I saw a remarkable change in her for the better. That’s when I decided to work with Dr. Ceruto. She helped me to change my behaviors and outlook on dating, and sorted through all my internal baggage. 

We worked on my perception and ideals that were holding me back from who I truly was as a woman. In a really short time, I started attracting a significant higher-quality of men. Thanks to my Dr. Ceruto, I met the man of my dreams and we’ve been together for over a year now. I finally found the love I had been looking for!”

Rurpal Malpure
San Francisco, CA

Finding Mental Balance: Overcoming Anxiety

“Before I started working with Dr. Ceruto, I was really struggling with anxiety and panic attacks. It was affecting my work and my personal life, and I felt like I had no control over my emotions. But Dr. Ceruto helped me to understand what was causing my anxiety and what was actually going on in my brain. 

She taught me strategies to manage it that I had never heard before. She helped me to recognize my triggers and taught me how to take control of my emotions when I felt a panic attack coming on. Thanks to Dr. Ceruto, I feel like I’m in a much better place mentally and I’m able to handle stress in a much healthier way.”

Cheryl Yuran
Head of HR at PLEX
Los Gatos, CA

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